We make it easy for you to find qualified construction professionals

Hire full and part-time employees, apprentices, and interns through our construction training programs.

Find skilled, credentialed workers

Recruit apprentices and interns

Reduce turnover and increase retention

Build a qualified and motivated workforce

Training programs and events

that connect you with the workers you need

Employer-student introductions and interviews via our nationally-recognized program
Trained construction workers who hold essential, industry-recognized credentials
Apprentice and intern recruiting through our programs for high schoolers
Rigorous program curriculum ensures graduates are prepared and motivated
Annual Career Expo event that enables valuable introductions
A consistent source of qualified workers helps you simplify recruiting and lower costs
  • I look for potential employees who have “the right attitude and state of mind” and “are willing to take control of their own destiny.”

    “When you couple that kind of mentality with eager, open-minded employers and a program like Construction Ready that wants to help connect all the dots and put that individual in front of the right people, it’s a formula for success.”
    – Edwin Parra, Anning-Johnson Company
  • The trainers at Construction Ready are top-notch.

    “People see how hard they (Construction Ready graduates) work. The superintendents take notice.”
    – Bryson Barnes

There’s a reason why

over 200 employers have hired our graduates

Our graduates are prepared to work in construction because our programs were created by construction companies. Whether they come from our flagship training program from adults or an affiliate high school program, Construction Ready graduates have the skills and credentials you’re looking for in a new hire.

When you hire one of our graduates, you’re getting someone who is ready to work on day one. Our graduates hold many of the following credentials:

  • NCCER Core Credential
  • OSHA 10-Hour Card
  • First Aid/CPR/BB/AED Certification
  • Powder Actuated Tool Certification
  • Laster Tool Certification
  • Forklift Safety Awareness Credential
  • ATSSA Utility Flagger Certification
  • Competent Person in Fall Protection Credential
Since 1993, we’ve matched thousands of graduates with 200+ construction employers. Nearly all of these graduates start off in a full-time position. Most use their first job as a stepping stone to a fulfilling construction career.

Finding skilled construction workers is simple

Here’s how

Sign up

Learn all about our Partner Program by signing up for an informal information session.

Join our program

Become a Partner Program member and get introduced to our graduates.

Hire graduates

Offset your worker shortage and recruit qualified, motivated individuals.

97% of our graduates get hired right after training

Because they’re that good.
Construction Ready graduates constantly impress employers with their knowledge, dedication, and earned credentials. When construction companies partner with us, they get access to the most qualified entry-level construction employees on the market.

Events that bring companies and prospective construction workers together

Our annual CareerExpo event attracts over 9,000 attendees from construction companies, technical colleges, middle schools, high schools, and elsewhere.
At the CareerExpo, students connect with industry leaders and make valuable introductions that blossom into careers. The event also includes the SkillsUSA State Championships, which allow students to compete in various construction disciplines to demonstrate their skills.

Find qualified entry-level construction workers

Simplify your hiring process
Build a high quality workforce
Minimize recordable accidents
Reduce training costs
Find credentialed workers
Hire apprentices and interns

Copyright © 2025 Construction Ready. All Rights Reserved.

Construction Ready is a registered 501(c)(3). Our EIN is 58-2062862.