Everything you need to start a construction program at your school

We bridge the gap between schools that want a construction program and construction companies that want to hire young people.

Start a dedicated construction class at your school

Connect young people with jobs and apprenticeships

Organize site visits and make employer introductions

Host construction events and workshops for students

Does starting a construction program sound intimidating?

We’ll help you build one that works.

The trades hold endless opportunities for young people.
Here’s how we help you set students on a rewarding career path.
Training and advisory services for your program
Complete framework for building a successful program
Introductions to construction contacts in your community
Programming for parents, teachers, and counselors
Starter kits with curriculum and activities for your construction class
Relationship building to connect teachers and schools with construction companies
  • Evan Magee began a high-earning construction career right out of high school

    “We got to talk to electricians, welders – any type of construction career path that you can think of, we got a little taste of it. I saw these different opportunities and I thought, ‘This is what I want to do.”
    – Evan Magee
  • Entering a high school welding program changed the course of Alex Shade’s young life.

    “In high school, it’s books, books, books – everything you need to know is in a book. I can’t pick up a book and learn; I have to do it. So if you’re like me, construction is a lot more fun. If you’re a person who’s hands-on, construction is a good job for you.”
    – Alex Shade

K-12 construction programs that prepare young people for the workforce

You know that a construction program would be an asset to your school community. For young children, it’s a perfect introduction to a field that’s full of opportunity. For high schoolers, your program can provide exposure to new career fields and connect them with actual jobs and apprenticeships.

But how do you go about it?

Construction Ready’s K-12 program connects you with the curriculum, activities, industry introductions, and parent resources you need to build a successful construction program.
Our team also provides guidance that can help you champion a construction program at your school.

Programs for every grade level

Elementary School

Young children love to build! Elementary programming includes a “Little Builders” class and lessons about tools used for construction projects.

Middle School

Help kids develop lifelong skills with age-appropriate lessons, class materials, and activities for a construction club or class.

High School

Elevate career and technical instruction with a dedicated construction class. High schoolers earn valuable credentials, meet employers, and start working in the construction industry.

How to start a

construction program at your school

Contact Us

We’ll set up a meeting to learn about your school and what it will take to create a vibrant construction program.

Get a Plan

Bring teachers, administrators, and counselors together and start collaborating.

Start a Class

Introduce a construction program with the curriculum and industry contacts needed to make it a success.

Helping educators and industry speak the same language

Part of our role is working with teachers, administrators, and counselors.
For your construction program to be a success, these individuals need to understand the wealth of opportunities available in the construction industry. Our team brings everyone together so that you have a unified vision for your program.

Helping construction companies understand educators

Construction companies want to hire capable high school graduates, but they don’t always know how to find them.
We bring industry contacts and educators together. With Construction Ready backing your program, you can maximize kids’ opportunities to connect with employers, find a great job, and begin a lucrative and fulfilling career in construction.

Create a successful construction program that introduces kids to a great-paying, rewarding career

Get training and guidance on building your program
Bring administrators and counselors on board
Educate parents about construction
Build industry relationships
Get curriculum and activities
Inspire kids to succeed

Copyright © 2025 Construction Ready. All Rights Reserved.

Construction Ready is a registered 501(c)(3). Our EIN is 58-2062862.