What Are the Most In-Demand Jobs for Skilled Trades Workers?

Hand using a drill; learn what are the most in-demand jobs for skilled trades professionals

If you’re thinking about switching jobs or entering a new career field, you probably want to do something that’s in high demand. And if you’ve considered the trades and are wondering what are the most in-demand jobs for skilled trades professionals, we’ve got some answers for you.

The thing about in-demand jobs is that they’re not going to be the same this year as they will be next year. Not only that, but the demand for certain jobs might be different in different parts of the United States. Maybe roofers are in demand in one region while welders are more in demand somewhere else!

That being said, there are definitely some hiring trends we’ve noticed among skilled trades positions. We can say with confidence that the professions listed in this article are highly sought after in most areas of the country in the early 2020s. They’ll probably continue to be in demand for many years to come.

These are some of the most in-demand jobs for skilled trades workers

Not only are the following jobs in high demand; they’re also well compensated and personally fulfilling ways to make a living. Consider the job growth stats and compensation for each of the following positions:

1. Electrician

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of electricians in the United States is expected to grow by 9% between 2020 and 2030. In our experience at Construction Ready, we see many graduates of our program go on to begin productive careers as electricians.

You’ll be well paid, too! Per the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), commercial electricians currently earn $65,398 per year on average.

2. Plumber

A significant number of the jobseekers in Construction Ready advance to positions as plumbers, whether at construction companies or with plumbing contractors. It’s still an in-demand field, and plumbers can earn a very comfortable living.

NCCER data indicates that plumbers earn $73,320 per year on average. According to the BLS, job growth should hover around 5% between 2020 and 2030.

3. Roofer

The construction companies we work with have an ongoing need for roofers. Roofing job growth, like plumbing, is expected to increase by 5% between 2020 and 2030.

Roofers earn $59,131 per year on average, according to NCCER research. While that’s an excellent salary, remember that experienced roofers can start their own company and earn even more over the course of their career.

4. Flagger

There’s almost always a need for safety personnel at the construction site. In fact, a lot of the entry level construction positions that are immediately available to Construction Ready graduates fit under the BLS category of “Construction Laborers and Helpers” positions. Flaggers are one example.

The BLS doesn’t publish specific job growth figures for flaggers, but the number of construction laborers and helpers is expected to grow by 7% between 2020 and 2030. These workers earn about $37,520 per year.

Maybe that sounds like a lot to you! Or maybe it doesn’t. The important thing to remember is that full-time employees of construction companies usually also receive great benefits, such as health and dental insurance, disability insurance, and retirement plans. Not only that, they usually work their way into more specialized roles very quickly, rapidly increasing their earnings after just a few years on the job!

Other in-demand skilled trades professions

The great thing about the trades is that there are lots of in-demand jobs to be had. In addition, there’s great potential for lateral movement, meaning you can start off in one area and move into another area you find more interesting after receiving some well-rounded on-the-job exposure to other skill sets.

While the jobs described above are some of the most in-demand skilled trades positions, here are a few others:

  • Welder: Projected job growth: 8%; Average salary: $70,482
  • HVAC Technician: Projected job growth: 5%; Average salary: $48,630
  • Drywall Installers: Projected job growth: 4%; Average salary: $48,350

How do I get an in-demand skilled trades job?

You’ve got to get trained! While some employers will offer on-the-job apprenticeships, most won’t. Your options are usually to get trained in a community college program or complete a dedicated training course.

At Construction Ready, our 20-day intensive construction training course provides the skills and credentials you need to get hired. Training is fully funded, so you pay nothing. Also, as part of the training, you participate in a hiring fair where you’ll meet construction employers who need workers. 97% of our graduates get their first construction job before they complete the training!

To learn more about our training program or sign up, get in touch with us today!

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